Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Week at a Glance: 1/9-1/16

Yeah, I know...1/9-1/16 isn't exactly a week.  We have a three-day weekend from school, and since I typically think of a school week from Monday-Sunday...well, it's not a perfect system!

MONDAY - Rehearsal: Fight Call - 

    400p-530p: Tilly and the Kobolds (Addison, Giuseppe, Jake, Savy)

    530p-700p: Agnes, Chuck, and the Bugbears (Abby, Jack, Russell, Sam)

TUESDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

    400p-430p: Scene 1

    430p-500p: Scene 2.6-2.8

    500p-530p: Scene 3

    530p-600p: Prologue

WEDNESDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

    400p-500p: Scene 5

    500p-530p: Scene 6

THURSDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

FRIDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

SATURDAY - Dark/No Calls

SUNDAY - Dark/No Calls (though...Socks is called from 500p-900p, if you're in that show!)

MONDAY -    

    1200p-400p: Scenic Build

    400p-700p: Fight Call

        400p-530p: Sisters/Bugbears (Agnes, Tilly, Abby, Jack, Russell, Sam)

        530p-700p: Sisters/Cheerleaders (Agnes, Tilly, Tina, Gabbi)


Following Up - Production fees for all ensemble (management, actors, leads, artisans, apprentices, crew) are now PAST DUE.  Please confirm you have paid your $100/$25 (actors/all others) by the end of the week.  We are getting pressure from above to start restricting participation if fees are not paid, and I'm working very hard against that.  Please confirm with the IBWHS Bookkeeper that you've paid, or take care of things through SchoolPay ASAP.  Thanks!

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...