Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Auditions - Day 1...a Request

Hey y'all - Day one in the books and looking good!

Thanks for your focus and attention to detail today.  It was a long one, but you acquitted yourselves wonderfully...and more importantly, safely!

On that note of 'safety', I have an ask.  Not all safety is physical...emotional safety is equally valid!  The show tackles as a part of its writing and presentation some issues of gender, sexuality, and body comfort.  Given this particularly singular part of your life journey (yeah, I know how that sounded), there are folks who are not in a place to play a particular gender, a particular sexuality, to show a lot of themselves in front of an audience, or talk about their weight.  I'd like everyone to do the following Google Form to inform me!

Monsters - Audition Form (Supplemental)


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One More Shot!

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