Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Denizen Monsters - You're Called!

Hello, O Denizens of NewLandia!

Apparently your calls are not clear on the calendar.  Here we come to save the day!

The following groups are in the following scenes...and are called each day their scene is and each day their fight is...

Prologue - Jake, Giuseppe, Addison, Savy

Sc. 2 - Trillium, Solomon, Abby

Sc. 5 - Abby, Russell, Sam, Jack

Montage Fight* - Jake, Giuseppe, Addison, Savy, Trillium, Solomon, Abby, Russell, Sam, Jack

Each of the first three should appear when your scene is being staged or rehearsed.  The Montage Fight at the end of Sc. 5 is the exception.  It's almost a standalone scene...until we've staged it with Jacquelle on Saturday, 1/28, and we are storing the weapons onsite, you don't need to be here for that part of Sc. 5.  After that, please be here every time we do Sc. 5.

Hope that clarifies things!

- jm

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...