Sunday, February 12, 2023

...and it's that time!!!

...and away we go.

This week's schedule is locked in stone, friends...buckle up!

2/13 - 500pm to 1000pm: Call...Mgmt, Actors, Run Crew, Costuming Crew

    We'll be meeting at 500pm in the auditorium.  We'll then do a Q-2-Q through the show.  If time allows (and let's hope it does), we'll then run the show.  Crew members will be assigned run duties during the tech.  Costume is called to watch and plan for quick changes or to see if design choices will work...this should require one member of the team.  The remainder of the team should work toward finalizing the next day's Dress.  We are working to have food available so that everyone can have their energy up.  Please plan on how you're going to handle your school responsibilities , as they are long days for the uninitiated...and you are expected to attend class fully as well.  Please communicate with your families that you will only be released prior to 1000pm if we are done with our responsibilities.

2/14 - 500pm to 1000pm: Call...Mgmt, Actors, Run Crew, Costuming Crew, Makeup Crew

    We'll be signing in at 500pm in the auditorium and immediately running Fight Call.  We'll then proceed into Dress and Makeup.  Warmups will take place 40 minutes before the run.  Places will be 5 minutes before the run...Notes for all Cast/Crew/Costume will follow.  1000pm is the end time.  Please communicate with your families that you will only be released prior to 1000pm if we are done with our responsibilities.

2/15 - 500pm to 1000pm: Call...Mgmt, Actors, Run Crew, Costuming Crew, Makeup Crew, House Crew

        As with the day before, we'll be signing in at 500pm in the auditorium and immediately running Fight Call.  We'll then proceed into Dress and Makeup.  I'll be taking House Crew to the Lobby at 530pm to go over House expectations and responsibilities...they can then stay and watch the show.  Warmups will take place 40 minutes before the run.  Places will be 5 minutes before the run...Notes for all Cast/Crew/Costume will follow.  1000pm is the end time.  As with the prior days, please communicate with your families that you will only be released prior to 1000pm if we are done with our responsibilities.

2/16 - 530pm (500pm?) to 1000pm: Call...Mgmt, Actors, Run Crew, Costuming Crew, Makeup Crew, House Crew

    Call will be determined on 2/15, depending on whether or not we feel we've enough time to prepare for the show properly.  Timing expectations are the same as 2/15.  
    Preview.  You are permitted to invite up to two people who might otherwise not get to see the show to come to Preview. 

2/17 - Opening Night.  Let's GGGGOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Remember a few things:
1) Our audiences come first.  Everything we do is to, with the best of who we are, is to engage, excite, compel, and inspire our audiences.  That is our touchstone, our North Star, our driving force.  Keep that focus in your mind, and this week will be amazing!
2) Take care of yourself.  That means proper fuel (sustenance and hydration), proper rest, proper mindset, and proper balance.  Eat, Drink, Sleep, Work Out, Maintain your Responsibilities (including Academics) won't regret it from a mental well-being standpoint.
3) Communicate.  Few things are worse for a parent than being surprised.  Your calls are clear and well-communicated from me to finish the deal.
4) This week, there are no conflicts.  By now you should've rescheduled your appointments, therapy sessions, lessons, other practices, family obligations, etc.  The expectations of this week have been clear from the beginning of the process.  I, as always, acknowledge that a show run is a big one knows that more than my family.  That said, you've committed to this...I hope you're ready.
5) I'll be introducing something new at the start of Monday's Tech: The Agreements...a set of Ideas that will guide how we work with each other to insure we are moving toward our mutual goals in a way that insures the best possible environment.  With the tensions inside the group lately, it bears repeating and refocusing on that we always do better when we are pulling FOR and WITH each other.  
6) Have fun...the second this becomes work, or an obligation...well, even I wonder how much it's worth it.  There's too much in life and in the world to take putting on a play that seriously.  Perspective, friends...

On that...Let's do this!!!

- jm

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...