Thursday, February 9, 2023

...And just when I think I've got the Schedule locked in...

Hi all -

So...the scheduling gods have decided to mock us once again.  Jacquelle is sick today, as is at least one (perhaps more) fighters.  Here is the adjusted schedule:

2/9 (Today) - 400p-600p: Fight Call with Cass...polish and tighten existing stuff; 400p-600p: Work Call onstage with Miller...volunteers appreciated!

2/10 (Tomorrow) - 400p-700p: Fight Call with Jacquelle...Acting, Scale, and Urgency in the fights

2/11 (Saturday) - 1000a-300p: Light and Sound Call with Miller and Josh...Finish the rig, focus, and levels; 400p-700p: Help Call...anyone who can come in to help with getting our show ready visually (paint, finishing, etc.), would be more than appreciated!

2/12 - 2/26: As posted on the calendar

I'm sorry beyond words for the inconvenience...I hate the lack of predictability.  

- jm

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One More Shot!

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