Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Notes - 2/8

-Perses: Good energy to start…clear and understandable.  Sustain it, friend!  You’ve got it.

-All: Need mucho mas grunts, squeaks, knaps…battle sounds!

-Sisters: Louder behind the screen

-Connor: Be coming on for your transition AS Perses is leaving

-Connor/Dory: Keep pushing their reactions to each other, Chuck flirting, Agnes in disbelief

-Marissa: Great power entry!

-Katie: Don’t look back at Tilly on your entrance moment…straight out to the audience until ‘I’m in the mood for danger’

-Denizens/Intro Fight: Y’all should be coming full steam on the word ‘badasses’  

-Dory: Are you afraid of Lilith?  Respond accordingly…

-Adventurers: Good Sword reactions!

-Shae: Perfect reaction to your sister being an asshat!!!

-Aspen: Way to take the note about the staff…now don’t hold it upside down ;-)

-Ian: Way to match energy…really dynamic with the girls!

-Aspen: You’re late into Vera's office…

-LillyAnn: Don’t break your freeze until after the second ‘Vera’...and remember to freeze looking Stage Right (2nd note)

-Bugbears: That’s the stuff…grunts and battle sounds.  Now go further!

-Katie: Projection good…slow down, tho

-Katie: Your basics are good…you’ve been working!  Now stylize…find your inner aloof supermodel!

-Fighters: You can’t just stand and wait for your next move…justify the moments you’re not striking a death-blow

-Fighters: Why so quiet?  Except for one or two, there’s no sounds happening…

-Savy: You have to get up with everyone else

-Katelyn: Better vocal rate!  Now consistency is the key…there were a few moments of rapid-speak.

-Katelyn: Much more personality tonight…she's a real fairy-person. Nice!

-Ian: Don’t over play your fear of Farrah…it’s rushing a bit

-Katelyn/Aspen: You can leave as soon as they Adventurers hit the stairs

-Connor: Retreat straight back on the double-hand push from Orie

-Connor: Remember to talk TO people…Eye contact helps the audience know where to look

-Marissa/Shae: Angle your bodies more downstage on the arm-around

-Katie/Ian: Make eye contact with each other after ‘I need a timeout’

-Ian/Katie/Marissa: Sustain your characters’ actions all the way offstage

-Shae: Hear ‘Taking a nap’ before registering your alarm

-Eden: Keep your body engaged with holding Agnes…it does take some effort

-Ella/Shae/Eden: Build up the suspense a bit more as to whether the kiss is going to happen

-Marissa: Don’t rush your first Lily line…it is a bit hard to understand when Agnes is coming in so hot

-Dory: You started rushing quite a bit talking to Lily

-Marissa: Good job taking the note around the ‘Tilly’s sister’ stuff…it can be a longer beat before you break the silence

-LillyAnn: Good timing on the way through the door…now justify that entrance with something other than your first line.

-Connor: You need to be in your seat before you say your line about ‘You know I’m not her, right?’

-Katie: Get past the first flat before you notice Agnes sitting there

-Katie: Don’t get up for the near-kiss until just before Agnes is due to say ‘Chuck!’

-Adventurers: The ‘Fart knocker’ buildup and aftermath was well-built

-Dory: After the serpentine, don’t forget to be surprised by your own quality!

-Shae: Don’t jump right in after the Miles fight…Let Agnes have her heroine victorious moment

-Shae: Delay your post-Cheerleader entry just a beat

-All: Make sure to listen for laugh lines…they’re gonna happen

-Orie: Get further onstage before speaking going into the apartment

-Dory: Rushing again…

-Connor: Don’t fear Miles until after the ‘in the pants’ line

-Orie: Let’s practice with the belt and get a bit faster

-Ian/Orie: Find the flirt vs. midwestern straight guy dynamic just a bit more

-Fighters: Don’t anticipate the attacks…you shouldn’t block until you see the attacks coming

-Cheerleaders: Work out the idea of the dance fight…you’re skeptical, but you think you can take them

-Katie/Dory: We have to fill the gap between your dance sequences…it’s too long

-All: You need to react in character to the dance sequences.  Are you impressed, impatient, afraid, excited…what?  

-Cheerleaders: Delay your lines until the music is out.

-Connor: Leave your chair not-pushed-in

-All: No one moves until Tilly says ‘STOP’...and move offstage with more urgency (oh, and someone needs to grab the sword from the stage

-Orie: As you get up to reenter the real world, be taking your belt off and leave it with your sword

-Dory: Monologue is coming along well…you’re almost there

-LillyAnn: Way to match Agnes’ energy…work to match it physically

-Connor: You need to get all the way into the office

-Connor: Don’t pass the edge of the flat

-Ian/Katie: Come on a bit sooner

-Marissa: Really struggle with the reveal of her relationship with Tilly

-Dory: Work the knife throw…give it intent

-Dory: Turn upstage to see their ‘Where could the monsters be?’...turn downstage on ‘Tiamat…’

-Tiamat: We need to time the down jump…

-Fighters: Not bad on the fight…you remembered most!

-Dory: There needs to be an extra beat as you cradle Tilly to the ground

-Dory: Give Tilly your sword AND belt after the embrace

-Perses: Project!

Fight Notes:

opening fight- 

shae- make sure you actually pull the sword out of jake’s stomach after stabbing him the second time so it looks like you’re actually pulling it from his body. 

trio fight-

monsters enter quicker

shae- get a little closer to stab abby


GREAT vocalizations

sam, keep your torso upright, there’s no leaning in swordplay

jack- keep your active hand UP, it’s hanging there like a limp noodle 

shae- we’ll work those moulinets

jack and dory- air in the head punch

jack- keep the head swipe horizontal, it dipped a bit low

russell- keep those shoulder cuts lower, aim for her shoulder

jack- get your ar for dory to stab you 

montage fight-

marissa- it looks like you’re waiting for savy and trillium to enter

addison- great death

jack- vocalize more

jake- aim much lower on the shoulder cuts, it looked like you were aiming for above her head

katie- aim higher on the russell backstab, it looked like your blade went through his hip bones

ian- amazing

addison- BARBIE HANDS on that second death, you grabbed the blade which worried me

savy and abby- exit sooner, you were the last ones off

note for elodie- we need someone to get savy’s dagger to katelyn much sooner


katelyn- shove needs windup, get closer and bend your arms

katelyn- knee to the groin needs more windup

katelyn and aspen- get up and leave the second the adventurers get off stage

cheerleaders 1-

shae- with the sheath, you can keep your hand on your sword to make sure it doesn’t drag on the rocks 

eden/ella- great synchronization in the jump down

eden/shae- we’ll work the head to knee

all- dory kept a hand on her sword so it wouldn’t drag on the ground with the sheath. be like dory

miles/agnes fight-

orie- GREAT job with the scabbard, the unsheath felt really natural

orie- get a wider, deeper stance

dory- remember to put up a “pause” arm for “seriously you guys aren’t going to help me”

everyone who handles a rapier- go home and watch the inigo vs westley fight from

the princess bride

cheerleaders 2-

cheerleaders- make the heart rip two actions. reach in, pull out. remember that you’re going through his flesh, muscle, and bone.

shae- keep your torso upright, otherwise great 

eden/marissa- work the contact punch, it looked weak. you need to get closer, have more windup, and you can hit harder

eden and ella- make sure you jerk to the side on the belly swipe

aspen- when taking off the broadsword, make sure you’re keeping it at your side

tiamat fight-

dory- faster up to the fifth party

dory- air in the pommel to marissa

aspen and dory- what happened with the stab?

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One More Shot!

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