Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Notes - 2/7

Good step forward tonight, y'all...now let's make it better!

Here are the notes:


Perses - Sustain your breath to the end of the lines

All - Start to look for beats within the fights…don’t anticipate what comes next, actually defend yourself!

Perses - Get those lines down…and don’t lose energy vocally when you’re uncertain. Keep strong all the way through.

Dory - Remember to withdraw into yourself upon hearing the line about your family’s death in the prologue

Connor - Eye contact…any reason you’re looking at people’s feet?

Dory - Really take in his weirdness…react to it in the shop

All - Check to see what props are offstage…we have the notebook

Connor - Really look over the notebook…

Connor - Pal-uh-din…and sustain your good energy!

Orie - Really clearly reference for the audience Tilly’s room…work on looking in there and seeing stuff

All - We need to work Chuck’s entrance into Sc. 2 to account for the DnD board, notebook, and snacks

Dory/Connor - Let’s make sure we’re working those lines

Shae - Keep your eyes on Agnes during all of the 'isn't therapy' lines

Marissa - Enjoy who you are in your introduction…can go bigger

Katie - Same note

Connor - Work to keep your focus

Scenic - Solve the creaking SL near stairs

Marissa - Much better projection…sustain that!!!

Marissa - Now I’m seeing Lilith…loving it!!!!!

Katie - Likewise…energy levels are much stronger here!!!

Shae - Take a beat before ‘don’t be an asshat, agnes!’...she’s Tilly here, not Tilius

Aspen - Hold the post like a staff…go vertical!

SMs - We need to spike the Bone Throne

Shae - Great energy in Sc. 3…folks, y’all need to match!!!

All - Work the Sc. 3-Sc. 4 transition

Lillyann - Good vocally at the start of the scene…then it faded.  Match Dory…

Aspen - Don’t start speaking until you’re in the office…just past the flat

Dory - You started to speed up…keep it clear and measured

Lillyann - Don’t turn toward center stage just before ‘Vera?’...and remember to go through the Right Center exit

All - Transition from Sc. 4-Sc. 5 was solid, timing-wise…let’s match throughout

Shae - Find her joy in ‘My character does the same’...this is what you do!

Dory - Remember your injuries…don’t drop them after they happen

Shae - Take a beat before the Revive spell

All - We won’t have music for the fights (except for the Cheer-off)...need more grunts, knaps, and wails

Marissa - Don’t rush ‘Love’ each time you say it…it’s foreshadowing

Marissa - Don’t jump your beats within the lines…sounded better as you went

Marissa/Dory - The backhand needs to be closer physically…there was a big and obvious gap between you

All - Remember to gesture with your upstage hands

All - Who leads the team downstage after ‘Let’s kicketh some ass’?

All - Make your entrances confidently

All - Sell your fights like Ian…excellent sense of pace, impact, and stakes!!!

Katie - Good job steering Orcus the right way at the end of the scene

Adventurers - You can come on sooner into Forest Fairy

Katelyn - Room to slow down a bit, and just a bit more enunciation…but projection was strong

Katelyn - Sustain your vocal energy…it was strong to start!

Katelyn - Enjoy your role as a boss…taunt them, have fun, maybe intimidate them a bit! 

Katelyn/Aspen - As the Adventurers exit, make eye contact with each other, then both leave opposite directions

Orie - Finish ‘Son of a…’

Dory - Start your entrance into the apartment a beat earlier

Orie - Find his hurt…he is so confused

Orie - Cross out past the table on the downstage side

Dory - Finish your scene opening line

Katie/Ian - Start your entrance earlier…I want you hitting the first stair on Katie’s first line

Katie/Ian - After Agnes goes to sit down, take a longer beat for you to sit down…make it awkward

Shae - Longer beat on ‘We should get back on the road’...and on your calls to the other adventurers

Eden - Work that opening moment…as you perch on the stair really stalk your prey

Eden - When you’re intimidating Tilly, don’t break eye contact

Ella - Watch rushing…

Eden/Shae - We need to work the knee raise

All - If you turn one of the set pieces, make sure to continue around to your position by walking around the turntable

Marissa - Take a beat before ‘...So.  You’re Tilly’s sister’...fill a silence

Lillyann - Start your entrance a bit earlier…and don’t start speaking until you’re in the light

Lillyann - Vocally strong!

All - Let’s work the transition from Vera’s office to the sisters’ heart-to-heart

Connor - Don’t hide behind your store before you enter for ‘I’m not really her’

All - Get all the way into the light before you speak…

Lillyann - Move Miles before you start the ‘Inappropriate conversation’ line

Aspen - You have a clear sense of him…It’s one of the most charming parts of the show right now

Katie - Great sense of her in the Agnes conversation…tons more personality and energy here!

Shae/Dory - Don’t rush ‘touched me…no, but he might have’...beats between can be more shocked

All - Make sure to stay out of sight of the audience when offstage

Aspen - Don’t leave until just before ‘not a gelatinous cube’

Dory - Work on justifying your fall during the Miles fight

Dory/Orie - Good intensity and stakes during the fight!!!

Shae - Separate your beats a bit more on your last lines leaving the stage

All - Work the IRL Cheerleaders transition

Eden - Wrong exit…

Connor - Good beat on ‘I think he’s implying…’

Connor - Get awkward as you stand between their argument

Orie - You can just walk straight on into the scene after you get your sword belt on…and let’s start with the sword in the belt

Orie - You have to fall away from the audience so we can’t see the no-hole in your chest

All - 2nd Cheer fight was super intense…good work!

Eden/Shae - We need to get the knee to the face to match the quality of the knee to the gut

SMs - Let’s pad the weapons tables

All - Let’s work the 14-15 transition

Dory - It’s George Michael…not Michaels

Connor - Wrong entrance…come in the vom

All - Great transition from Vera’s office to Ronnie/Kelly’s house

Connor - Don’t go in the house…just point inside

Dory - Wait to respond to Tilly until the other folks are offstage


notes 2/7

we can hear your weapons clanging backstage. make sure you’re keeping them quiet. 

Giuseppe- it looks like you’re waiting to be stabbed in the opening fight

abbey- entered early for trio fight 


shae- a bit low on the abbey kill

jack and dory- air in the head punch 

jack- get your arm out for shae to kill you

marissa and dory slap - work on the spacing 


all- faster transition between phases

savy- enter quicker 

russell- enter quicker

ian- you have to make the transition between giuseppe and sam quicker, it looks like sam is just waiting for you 

exiting during “didn’t take you for a homophobe” dropped a weapon and then someone kicked it? next time, just pick it up. 

cheerleaders 1-

shae- was your scabbard okay?

eden- there was air in the kick to shae’s head

eden and shae- air in the head to knee


orie- keep your chest upright 

dory- the quish keeps catching miles’ quillons 

cheerleaders part 2-

shae- keep your torso upright, otherwise great stance

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