Sunday, February 5, 2023

Week of 2/6-2/12...Tech Week

It's that time, folks!  It's Tech Week...We open NEXT FRIDAY!!!

There's a few things that means...but first, here's the schedule:

Monday, 2/6...400p-700p - Fight Call/Tiamat Battle: Steve, Tillius, Lillith, Kaliope, Orcus, Agnes

Tuesday, 2/7...400p-700p - Costume Fittings/Run Show with Notes: Full Cast, Costume Team (Costume released after fittings, unless they decide to build with Allison)

Wednesday, 2/8...400p-700p - Crew Run/Run Show with Notes: ALL CAST, RUN CREW, MANAGEMENT, HOUSE CREW CALLED.  Crew members are released after run of show.

Thursday, 2/9...515p-730p - Fight Call/Polish All: All Cast/Mgmt. called

Friday, 2/10...400p-700p - TBD: ALL CAST, RUN CREW, MANAGEMENT, HOUSE CREW CALLED.  What we do will be determined by how the week goes.  Plan to be here...and if I can release you I will.

Saturday, 2/11...Time TBD (Announcing by Thursday) - Light/Sound Finishing Work: Due to some shifting goalposts, I have to keep Saturday flexible in terms of time.  Please be ready to work (and remember, weekend work asks you to enter and exit the building via the stage door), and get us ready for Dry Tech!

Sunday, 2/12...1000a-200p - Dry Tech: Stage Management, Light/Sound Ops Called.  This is the paper tech...setting light and sound cues in advance of the Wet Tech, Monday afternoon.'s the things to remember about this point in the process, as we enter 'Go Time':

1) All calls and times are MANDATORY.  Unless you are incapacitated, in the hospital, or under COVID protocols, you are to clear your schedule and attend your calls.  Remember: You and your families agreed to this in the beginning of this process.  Appointments are to move, slight illnesses to be masked and brought in, other practices/coaches told 'I'm sorry, I have a conflict today'...or, exactly what we as a team have allowed for you over the past two months.  I only for ask for what I've given; it's your time to give your all to us.

2) Not 'knowing when I was called' is not an excuse.  You have this blog, and you have the production calendar, and you have me/the SMs to ask.  All are now updated, and they are (with the exception of this Saturday) set in stone.

3) Cast/Crew Production fees are waaayyy past due.  I will be trying to reach out to families this week.  We are at a very low point in terms of participation.  SchoolPay under 'Winter Play', $100 for Actors, $25 for Crew/Management.

4) Take care of yourself and your business.  We have people crashing illness-wise left and right.  Eat properly (no excuses!!!), hydrate, sleep 7+ hours, get your homework done on time (or early, in anticipation of your busy schedules).  You can take care of you.  Do it.  All of these things impact your wellbeing.  You have no excuses not to take care of's the one thing, in fact, over which you have COMPLETE control.

5) Take care of each other.  Everyone here is counting on you to be the best version of yourself.  You all have roles on this production for a've earned it.  Go kindly, work hard, and remember: it's better to be kind than right.

There's more to come...but this is a start.  Buckle up, and let's create something in which we can all be proud!

- jm

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...