Sunday, January 22, 2023

Week of 1/23-1/29

Good day once again, folks - Here's your news and events for this week:

Monday - 1/23: Fight Call...Cheerleader Fight.  Agnes, Tilly, Lilith, Kaliope, Orcus, Miles, Steve, Tina, Gabbi called, 400p-700p

Tuesday - 1/24: Dark...Go strong on those Finals, folks! 

Wednesday - 1/25: Dark...Again, Finals!

Thursday - 1/26: Fight Call...Tilly, Agnes, Lilith, Kaliope, Miles, Chuck, Steve Called, 515p-715p (Steve/Chuck Released by 615p)

Friday - 1/27: Full Stumble Through...All Actors/Mgmt. Called, 200p-500p

Saturday - 1/28: Mega Fight Call!  All Actors/Mgmt. Called - 100p-500p

Sunday - 1/29: Dark

This is where things are starting to ramp up, friends!  The best thing you can do for yourselves (and, hence, us all!) is to take care of yourself...both physically and psychologically.  We do that by (prepare for the patronizing, but caring and reinforcing, Miller voice): Eating healthfully (real, actual food, friends...not a quick stop-off at 76), hydrating copiously (remember, if you're peeing clear, you're doing it right), sleeping sufficiently (make 7-9 hours happen, friends...yes, I'm serious), staying on top of responsibilities (if you can do it now, don't put it off until later), and finding some time to relax (...but not all the time.  Down that path lies more stress, believe it or not).  

That sounds like a big ask, I know...but if you address your time mindfully and not randomly, then it works.  Be thoughtful, plan it out, and it'll me!  And you'll be the less stressed accordingly.

Thanks, all...Catch ya soon!

- jm

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...