Monday, January 16, 2023

Week of 1/17-1/22

Good day, folks - Here's your news and events for this week:

Tuesday - 1/17: Dark...Yet another meeting I can't get out of.  Work on lines.  After Friday we are rough off-book 

Wednesday - 1/18: Sc. 14 (pg. 63-71), 400p-455p; Sc. 16 (78-83), 505p-600p

Thursday - 1/19: Art Call...Oliver, Abby, Perses, Jack @ 345p-415p in the Drama Room; Fight Work...Boss Fight #1/Farrah The Fairy, 500p-700p

Friday - 1/20: Full Stumble Through...All Called, 400p-630p

Saturday - 1/21: Dark

Sunday - 1/22: Scenic Build, 1200p-400p

This is a busy week of self-preparation on the show.  A great number of people aren't called except for Friday this week.  Do your personal prep during show hours, or allocate an even amount of time to when you're not here.  Historically, what we see on shows is that the busiest people, the ones with the most rehearsal calls and thus have less time to work lines and script analysis are the ones who have more prepared.  The folks who are called less, even though they've more time to work, tend not to be as prepared/ready.  Break that precedent, folks.  We have more off-days from rehearsal than any show I can remember, which means we absolutely must be taking advantage of our time away to prepare.  

Also, please insure you, whether actor, crew, management, whatever, have taken care of your production fees for the show.  At last count we've only one in six (1 in 6, yo!) who've paid through the bookkeeper/SchoolPay.  At the end of this week, I'll be sending individual invoices out to those folks who haven't taken care of this part of their business...please get that done!

Finally, big shout out to the build team on the set!  We've been making good time on the show thus far, and been getting amazing turnout and a great attitude...been a joy folks!  I hope to be finalizing other work calls (lights, costumes, sound) this week, so that we can make this sucker beautiful!

Thanks, all...Catch ya soon!

- jm

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...