Wednesday, February 22, 2023

On to the end of the run!

Hopefully everyone had a good couple of days off...recharge the batteries, reconnect with friends and family, catch up on the academics.  I did, and I'm ready to get back to it!

And  *sigh*

Given the forecast over the next couple of days, I have to go over some contingency plans for the rest of the run.  As of now (and I check four separate weather sources, including NOAA), we are due to have snow restart after a break in the weather this afternoon, and continue through the night.  Some forecasts have up to 3 inches of snow tomorrow, and no thaw/melt-off until Saturday.  On the other hand, nothing is set in stone.  Here's our options, depending on what we actually get:

1) Best case scenario: The snow is overstated and it's just is on and the roads are de-iced.  In this situation absolutely nothing changes, except I'd advise caution and attention when driving.

2) Mid-Tier scenario: Tonight is a thing and we lose tomorrow's performance to a school cancellation.  For those of you who don't know, when school is cancelled for inclement weather, so are all afterschool activities.  The hope is then that Friday and Saturday are on.  In that case, I'm moving call to 500pm from 530pm for all cast/mgmt on Friday, so that we can run both Fight Call and all of the scene transitions prior to costume and show.  Call on Saturday will remain the same.

3) Worst Case scenario: We lose both Thursday and Friday to snow and ice, but keep Saturday.  I'll contact all ticket holders to join us Saturday night, we'll call all cast and crew at 500p on Saturday for safety, and run a hell of a closing show to a (hopefully) huge house!

So...those are the contingencies, and I'll post to both this blog and the Remind (if you're still not on it, text '@sw2monstrs' to 81010) once a decision is made.  Be flexible!  I'm in no way interested in cancelling performances, but I also may not have much choice in the matter.

As For Tonight:  I am adjusting the plan.  We will meet at 530pm and go through a full fight call for safety.  Immediately following, we will get into Costume, Hair, and Makeup for a photo call...and then we'll be done, in the interest of safety.  The schedule for tonight is now as follows (this is a change!!!):

530-630pm: Fight Call

630-700pm: Get into Costume/Hair/Makeup

700-815pm: Photo Call

815-830pm: Clean Up/Release

**No Run Crew/House Crew called...Cast/Costume/Mgmt only**

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One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...