Sunday, January 22, 2023

Week of 1/23-1/29

Good day once again, folks - Here's your news and events for this week:

Monday - 1/23: Fight Call...Cheerleader Fight.  Agnes, Tilly, Lilith, Kaliope, Orcus, Miles, Steve, Tina, Gabbi called, 400p-700p

Tuesday - 1/24: Dark...Go strong on those Finals, folks! 

Wednesday - 1/25: Dark...Again, Finals!

Thursday - 1/26: Fight Call...Tilly, Agnes, Lilith, Kaliope, Miles, Chuck, Steve Called, 515p-715p (Steve/Chuck Released by 615p)

Friday - 1/27: Full Stumble Through...All Actors/Mgmt. Called, 200p-500p

Saturday - 1/28: Mega Fight Call!  All Actors/Mgmt. Called - 100p-500p

Sunday - 1/29: Dark

This is where things are starting to ramp up, friends!  The best thing you can do for yourselves (and, hence, us all!) is to take care of yourself...both physically and psychologically.  We do that by (prepare for the patronizing, but caring and reinforcing, Miller voice): Eating healthfully (real, actual food, friends...not a quick stop-off at 76), hydrating copiously (remember, if you're peeing clear, you're doing it right), sleeping sufficiently (make 7-9 hours happen, friends...yes, I'm serious), staying on top of responsibilities (if you can do it now, don't put it off until later), and finding some time to relax (...but not all the time.  Down that path lies more stress, believe it or not).  

That sounds like a big ask, I know...but if you address your time mindfully and not randomly, then it works.  Be thoughtful, plan it out, and it'll me!  And you'll be the less stressed accordingly.

Thanks, all...Catch ya soon!

- jm

Monday, January 16, 2023

Week of 1/17-1/22

Good day, folks - Here's your news and events for this week:

Tuesday - 1/17: Dark...Yet another meeting I can't get out of.  Work on lines.  After Friday we are rough off-book 

Wednesday - 1/18: Sc. 14 (pg. 63-71), 400p-455p; Sc. 16 (78-83), 505p-600p

Thursday - 1/19: Art Call...Oliver, Abby, Perses, Jack @ 345p-415p in the Drama Room; Fight Work...Boss Fight #1/Farrah The Fairy, 500p-700p

Friday - 1/20: Full Stumble Through...All Called, 400p-630p

Saturday - 1/21: Dark

Sunday - 1/22: Scenic Build, 1200p-400p

This is a busy week of self-preparation on the show.  A great number of people aren't called except for Friday this week.  Do your personal prep during show hours, or allocate an even amount of time to when you're not here.  Historically, what we see on shows is that the busiest people, the ones with the most rehearsal calls and thus have less time to work lines and script analysis are the ones who have more prepared.  The folks who are called less, even though they've more time to work, tend not to be as prepared/ready.  Break that precedent, folks.  We have more off-days from rehearsal than any show I can remember, which means we absolutely must be taking advantage of our time away to prepare.  

Also, please insure you, whether actor, crew, management, whatever, have taken care of your production fees for the show.  At last count we've only one in six (1 in 6, yo!) who've paid through the bookkeeper/SchoolPay.  At the end of this week, I'll be sending individual invoices out to those folks who haven't taken care of this part of their business...please get that done!

Finally, big shout out to the build team on the set!  We've been making good time on the show thus far, and been getting amazing turnout and a great attitude...been a joy folks!  I hope to be finalizing other work calls (lights, costumes, sound) this week, so that we can make this sucker beautiful!

Thanks, all...Catch ya soon!

- jm

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Change to the Schedule

Due to things beyond my control, I've had to cancel Friday's rehearsal.  I'm moving those scenes to Thursday, 1/12 and Tuesday, 1/17.  Please check the calendar for changes:

1/12 - Scenes 8, 10, and 13

1/13 - No Rehearsal!!!

1/17 - Scenes 14 and 16

Thanks for your flexibility...This one's out of my hands.

- jm

Denizen Monsters - You're Called!

Hello, O Denizens of NewLandia!

Apparently your calls are not clear on the calendar.  Here we come to save the day!

The following groups are in the following scenes...and are called each day their scene is and each day their fight is...

Prologue - Jake, Giuseppe, Addison, Savy

Sc. 2 - Trillium, Solomon, Abby

Sc. 5 - Abby, Russell, Sam, Jack

Montage Fight* - Jake, Giuseppe, Addison, Savy, Trillium, Solomon, Abby, Russell, Sam, Jack

Each of the first three should appear when your scene is being staged or rehearsed.  The Montage Fight at the end of Sc. 5 is the exception.  It's almost a standalone scene...until we've staged it with Jacquelle on Saturday, 1/28, and we are storing the weapons onsite, you don't need to be here for that part of Sc. 5.  After that, please be here every time we do Sc. 5.

Hope that clarifies things!

- jm

Finishing Costume Measurements!

Attention: The following cast members need to meet with the costuming team in the costume room for measurements during Wednesday's Flex Block -

Katie Douglas

Ian Lafrenz

Ella Higgins

Eden Evans

Katelyn Rashleigh

Persess Cooke

Savy Carey

Solomon Rhinewine

It'll be done quick, and then you can get on to whatever other Flex stuff you've got to do (like Improv Auditions!)

- jm

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Week at a Glance: 1/9-1/16

Yeah, I know...1/9-1/16 isn't exactly a week.  We have a three-day weekend from school, and since I typically think of a school week from Monday-Sunday...well, it's not a perfect system!

MONDAY - Rehearsal: Fight Call - 

    400p-530p: Tilly and the Kobolds (Addison, Giuseppe, Jake, Savy)

    530p-700p: Agnes, Chuck, and the Bugbears (Abby, Jack, Russell, Sam)

TUESDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

    400p-430p: Scene 1

    430p-500p: Scene 2.6-2.8

    500p-530p: Scene 3

    530p-600p: Prologue

WEDNESDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

    400p-500p: Scene 5

    500p-530p: Scene 6

THURSDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

FRIDAY - Rehearsal: Staging -

SATURDAY - Dark/No Calls

SUNDAY - Dark/No Calls (though...Socks is called from 500p-900p, if you're in that show!)

MONDAY -    

    1200p-400p: Scenic Build

    400p-700p: Fight Call

        400p-530p: Sisters/Bugbears (Agnes, Tilly, Abby, Jack, Russell, Sam)

        530p-700p: Sisters/Cheerleaders (Agnes, Tilly, Tina, Gabbi)


Following Up - Production fees for all ensemble (management, actors, leads, artisans, apprentices, crew) are now PAST DUE.  Please confirm you have paid your $100/$25 (actors/all others) by the end of the week.  We are getting pressure from above to start restricting participation if fees are not paid, and I'm working very hard against that.  Please confirm with the IBWHS Bookkeeper that you've paid, or take care of things through SchoolPay ASAP.  Thanks!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Rehearsal - 1/3

Hey, y'all - Welcome back from break!

Tomorrow's (1/3) rehearsal will be a call for all actors with speaking lines...Denizens get an extra afternoon off.

I'll be posting the remainder of the week's schedule by end of day tomorrow...and the rest of the production calendar by the end of the week.

Hope you had a restful break...I know I did!

- jm

One More Shot!

All right...the team has spoken: We're on for 2/27 and 2/28! As a reminder, here's the schedule: 2/27: Fight Call and Dress (no make...